Monday, February 13, 2012

Blogger to Wordpress think about it first! Part 2

Welcome the second part in my series about my journey from Blogger to Wordpress.  After reading the first installment in this series, it may sound like Wordpress is all that and a side of chips.  Well, there is a reason it's the most popular blogging platform.  But, don't discount Blogger just yet.  Google's platform has a lot to offer.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Blogger to Wordpress think about it first! Part 1

A lot of people start blogging on free platforms like Google's Blogger.  And why not?  It's free, it's reliable and you can run ads to your heart's content.  Heck, they even have adsense integration built right in! But, there comes a time when a move to a platform like Wordpress may be prudent.